Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
data model
WRHP data model, detail

Documents & Publications

Documents on the Database and Data-Model

The WRHP data model: PDF-File (97 kByte)

The WRHP project's manual: PDF-File (240 kByte)

Fieldnumber Prefixes in Werner Rauh's Field- and Acquisition books and on Rauhs Herbarium vouchers. PDF-File (152 kByte)

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Publications from and about the WRHP

  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2018): Tillandsia pseudomicans Rauh 25945 Locus classicus und Original-Material / Locus classicus and original material.
    In: Die Bromelie. [accepted]
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2018): Die Geschichte von Ceropegia simoneae Rauh Bemerkungen zur Entdeckung und zum Original-Material.
    In: Avonia 36 (1). [in print]
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Peter Sack & Marcus A. Koch (2015): Some notes on original material and locus classicus of Deuterocohnia meziana Kuntze ex Mex var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh (Bromeliaceae)
    in: Plant Div. Evol. Vol. 131/4, pp. 1–15 (DOI: 10.1127/pde/2015/0131-0083).
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder & Marcus A. Koch (2015): A Heritage of Biodiversity in Heidelberg Botanic Garden: Werner Rauh’s Collections from Brazil.
    in: Ulrich A. Glasmacher: 7th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development 04.–10. October 2015, Interaction between Earth resources and processes and human societies, p. 151.
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2015): Pitcairnia aureobrunnea Rauh: Locus classicus und Typifizierung / Pitcairnia aureobrunnea Rauh: Locus classicus and typification.
    in: Die Bromelie 2015 (2), pp. 65–73.
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2013): Werner Rauh’s Centenary and the Werner Rauh Heritage Project
    in: IOS-Bulletin 15(6), pp. 154–158. [online]
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder & Peter A. Mansfeld (2013): Die Sansevieria-Aufsammlungen von Werner Rauh
    in: Sansevieria Online Jg. 1(1) 2013, pp. 13–24.
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2013): 100 Jahre Werner Rauh (16.05.1913–17.04.2000)
    in: Kakteen Haage: Katalog «Pflanzen- und Samenangebot 2013», 191. Jahrgang (2013), pp. 22 & 69.
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder (2013): Von den Mulde-Auen zur Cordillera Blanca — Zum 100. Geburtstag des Botanikers Werner Rauh (*16.05.1913 †07.04.2000)
    in: Die Bromelie 2013 (2), pp. 63–69 (part 1).
    Die Bromelie 2013 (3), pp. 123–128 (part 2).
  • Marcus A. Koch, Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Markus Kiefer & Peter Sack (2013): A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century: the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium [online]
    in: Plant Systemtics and Evolution (2013) pp. 1793–1800.
  • Jörg Ettelt, Christof Nikolaus Schröder & Holger Wittner (2011): Streiflichter aus dem Kakteenparadies Nordperu – Charakterpflanze der Täler: Armatocereus rauhii Backeb.
    in: Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 62. Jahrgang (2011), Heft 7: pp. 174–182.
  • Christof Nikolaus Schröder, Peter Sack & Marcus A. Koch (2011): The Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Gardens and Herbarium (HEID).
    in: Thomas Borsch, Peter Giere, Jana Hoffmann, e.a. [Eds.] (2011): BioSystematics Berlin 2011, 21–27 February 2011: Programme and Abstracts. [Published by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universitt Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-921800-68-3], pp. 327–328.
  • Jörg Ettelt & Hans-Jürgen Thorwarth (2010): Bericht zur Exkursion der FGaS am 26. Juni 2010 in den Botanischen Garten Heidelberg mit dem Thema «Das Erbe Werner Rauhs».
    in: Avonia, 28. Jahrgang (2010), Heft 3: pp. 111–112.
  • Hans-Jürgen Thorwarth (2010): Das Erbe Werner Rauhs.
    in: Astrophytum, 18. Jahrgang (2010), Heft Juli: pp. 27–28.

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Here you find tables with itineraries, indicating waypoints in chronoligacal order (documents in German only).

1938 : France (Corse)

1950 : Schweden

1950 : Italien (Sdtirol)

1952 : Frankreich, Spanien, Marokko & Portugal

1954 : Peru & Ecuador

1955 : Frankreich & Andorra (Pyrenäen)

1955 : Österreich (Stubai)

1956 : Peru & Mexiko

1959/1960 : Madagascar, Kenya & Tanzania

1961 : South Africa & Madagascar

1962 : Sweden (Lapland)

1963 : Mauritius, La Runion, Madagascar, South Africa, Kenya & Swaziland

1967 : Peru & Mexico

1969 : Madagascar, Comoros & Kenya

1970 : Peru, Ecuador, Mexico & USA

1971 : Peru, USA & Mexico

1973 : Ecuador, Brazil & Peru

1974 : Mexico

1975 : Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru & Guatemala

1976 : Peru, Bolivia & Chile

1977 : Spain: Canary Islands

1977 : U.S.A., Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica & Panama

1978 : U.S.A.

1979 : Namibia & South Africa

1979 : U.S.A. & Mexico

1980 : Mexico, Ecuador & Peru

1981 : Brazil

1982 : South Africa & Namibia

1982 : USA, Dominican Republic & Panama

1983 : Ecuador, Peru & Argentina

1984 : Venezuela, Domician Republic & Panama

1985 : Spain (Canary Islands)

1985 : U.S.A. & Mexico

1986 : Argentina & Brazil

1987 : Kenya & Madagascar

1988 : Peru & Venezuela

1988 : U.S.A. (Everglades)

1989 : Cuba & Brazil

1989 : U.S.A.

1989 : Guatemala & Honduras

1990 : Madagascar

1992 : Madagascar

1993 : Madagascar

1994 : Madagascar

zum Seitenanfang


2016-09-25 Series of pulic lectures on current botanical research
«The Werner Rauh Heritage Project – Scienced history and stories»
Botanical Garden Heidelberg

2016-09-07 Cactus Club ‹Walther Haage› Erfurt
Presentation «Werner Rauh and Madagascar»
Gasthaus zu Melchendorf, Erfurt-Melchendorf

2016-08-26 Annual conference of the German Bromeliad Society
Presentation «Werner Rauh – Reports from the field»
Thuringian Garden days / Rarities fair egapark Erfurt

2016-04-29 Annual Conference of the EPIG «Society for Epiphytic Cacti»
Presentation of the Werner Rauh Heritage Project», Botanical Garden Heidelberg

2016-02-28 Series of pulic lectures on current botanical research
«Historical Biodiversity Data for the Future: The Werner Rauh Heritage Project»
Botanical Garden Heidelberg

2016-02-18...27 Children‘s University 2016 «A Journey through the World of Science»
Workshop «Biodiversity in a global perspective: A botanist on expedition», Press report Heidelberg University (German only).

2015-10-06 7th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development, Heidelberg
A Heritage of Biodiversity in Heidelberg Botanic Garden: Werner Rauh’s Collections from Brazil. PDF-Datei (2468 kByte)

2015-03-20...22 8. Kurpfälzische Orchideenschau im Luisenpark Mannheim
«Werner Rauh and the Orchids», Press report Heidelberg University (German only).

2015-02-07 Kinderuni 2015 «Fragen – Forschen – Finden»
Workshop «Biodiversity in a global perspective: A botanist on expedition», Press report Heidelberg University (German only).

2014-07-09...13 Explore Science – Science days for young people in the Luisenpark Mannheim / Klaus Tschira Foundation
«Biodiversity in a global perspective: A botanist on expedition», Workshop 41.

2013-11-04 Workshop for Curators of German Herbaria organised by GBIF-D & GfBS
Vom Feld ins Herbarium — Sammler, Biodiversitätsdaten und verteilte Sammlungen: Das Werner Rauh Heritage Project II am Botanischen Garten und Herbarium HEID. PDF-File (1809 kByte)

2013-09-28 Annual Conference of the Association of Botanical Gardens (Germany)
Presentation of WRHP.

2013-05-11 10th IOS Inter-Congress Meeting, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
100 Years Werner Rauh (1913–2000).

2011-09-24 Annual Conference of the Association of Botanical Gardens (Germany)
Presentation as a first example to connect living collections to GBIF.

2011-09-20 German Horticultural Society 1822, Berlin
Presentation of the WRHP in the context of «Netzwerk Pflanzensammlungen (Network plant collections)».

2011-02-02 – 2011-07-01 University Museum Heidelberg
Exhibition «Brazilian Nature. Mystery and Destiny» by the brazilian foundation FAPESP, with a poster (1.428 kByte) on WRHP and Brazil.

2011-04-30 Kakteen Haage, Erfurt
Project presentation at the annual meeting of the German Cacti Forum: PDF-File (4461 kByte)

2011-02-23 Freie Universität Berlin &bull BioSystematics Berlin 2011
Presentation of the project at the poster session: Poster (1228 kByte)

2010-10-19 University Bonn • Nees-Institute • Meeting of the International Organization for Succulent Plant Studies (IOS)
Presentation of the project: PDF-File (387 kByte)

2010-10-14 University Heidelberg • Honouring the Volunteers of the University
Guided tour on «Werner Rauh und Madagascar» (german): PDF-File (724 kByte)

2010-06-26 University Heidelberg • Yearly excursion of the Society for Succulent Plants
Guided tour on «Das Erbe Werner Rauhs» (german): PDF-File (782 kByte)

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