Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
HEIDRAUHFDB041_024 Ecuador 1970

WRHP Taxon No. 2483

Kalanchoe bracteata subsp. glabra Rauh & Hebding (Crassulaceae) Tropicos

ProtologueBradleya; Yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society 15: 5. fig. 8–10, 12
published 1997
Protologue has been verified.
HT: HEID Rauh 74193 [in spiritu sub No. 203069]

Typification according to protologuevar. glabra [...]
Type: Rauh 74 193, in Herb.Inst.System.Bot. Univ. Heidelberg (HEID), in alcohol
Locus classicus according to protologueKalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra Rauh & Hebding [...]
Distributio: Madagascar meridionalis-occidentalis, inter Belay (Prov. Tolanaro) et Ambovombe
[...] var. glabra [...]
Distribution: near Belay, norteast of Tolanaro, in destroyed Didiereaceae-forest.
CommentsRauh & Hebding published this taxon as Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra var. glabra Rauh & Hebding to distinguish it from Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra var. longisepala (Boiteau ex L. Allorge) Rauh & Hebding with slightly longer (if at all) sepals and corolla, Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra var. glabra Rauh & Hebding with bright red glabrous corolla-tube, Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra var. aurantiaca Rauh & Hebding with orange-red, after flowering green-orange glabrous corolla-tube and Kalanchoe bracteata ssp. glabra var. pubescens Rauh & Hebding with red, densely white pubescent corolla-tube. The «glabra» of the subspecies refers to the whole plant being glabrous (in opposition to subsp. bracteata which is completely silver-grey to white lepidote with glabrous flowers). The «glabra» of the variety refers to the corolla-tube only being glabrous. [CNS 2015-11-13]

Names of taxon in WRHP database

Kalanchoe bracteata Scott-Elliot subsp. glabra Rauh & Hebding (Crassulaceae)
Kalanchoe bracteata Scott-Elliot var. glabra Rauh & Hebding (Crassulaceae)
Kalanchoe bracteata Scott-Elliot subsp. glabra Rauh & Hebding var. glabra Rauh & Hebding (Crassulaceae)


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As Protologue is considered what is noted in ICN Articel 8, Recommendation 8A.4, Footnote 3.

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