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Rauh M 1381 (1959)
≡ M1381 Type! |
Aloe buchlohii (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Collected as: «Aloë 1381 [added by a second hand:] Gathering date: 1959-12-16 |
Entry 32594 | Dateset complete (all available information stored in database) | |
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Rauh & Buchloh 7531
Aloe buchlohii (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Collected as: «Aloe Gathering date: 1961-10-30 |
Entry 34584 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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Rauh 22136
Aloe buchlohii (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Collected as: «Aloe buchlohii Typlokalität {Aloe buchlohii type location}» Gathering date: 1969-04-23 |
Entry 11130 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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