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6 result(s) for search tx taxonid="%5%"
Real Rauh-Numbers and

Rauh used one single numbering scheme for two purposes:
First to number his gatherings made in the wild by himself (here referred to as «real Rauh-numbers») and
second to register acquisitions received from a third party (here referred to as «pseudo Rauh-numbers»).
There is no sign or method to distinguish the two purposes by number. When back from an expedition, Rauh continued numbering acquisitions sent to the Botanical Garden Heidelberg with the next number following the last number used in the wild for his own gatherings. In some cases that in his absence the same interval was used for received plants that he simulaneously used for his own gtherings in the wild. At a new expedition he usually started numbering with a number rounded to thousands. So there are not only numbers used twice but a lot of gaps as well in the number-interval used by Werner Rauh.

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1 Rauh 7594

Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «Aloë cf. deltoidontea variegata nov. spec. ? [added later in blue:] rauhii Reyn. [added la ... »
Gathering date: 1961-11-03
Entry 34643 ext-url
Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon
2 Rauh 21973
Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «Aloe rauhii»
Gathering date: 1969-04-14
Entry 10964 ext-url
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)
3 Rauh 74353
Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «Aloe aff. rauhii, aber viel kleiner, dichte, bis 1 m große Rasen bildend {Aloe aff. rauhii, but muc ... »
Gathering date: 1994-04-02
Entry 121 ext-url
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)
4 Rauh 74353
Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «Aloe aff. rauhii, kleiner {Aloe aff. rauhii, smaller}»
Gathering date: 1994-04-02
Entry 31870 ext-url
Dateset complete (all available information stored in database)
5 Rauh 74358
Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «Aloe rauhii»
Gathering date: 1994-??-??
Entry 130 ext-url
Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon
6 Rauh 74371
Aloe rauhii (Asphodelaceae)
Collected as: «10 Ex. Aloe rauhii»
Gathering date: 1994-04-12
Entry 31897 ext-url
Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon

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