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Rauh 13223
Caralluma lavranii (Apocynaceae) Collected as: «Caralluma Gathering date: 1964-03-13 |
Entry 6934 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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Rauh 13223
Caralluma lavranii (Apocynaceae) Collected as: «[13300: Caralluma]» Gathering date: 1964-03-13 |
Entry 7031 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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Rauh 13223
Caralluma lavranii (Apocynaceae) Collected as: «Caralluma nov. spec.» Gathering date: 1964-03-13 |
Entry 7032 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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Rauh 13300
Type! |
Caralluma lavranii (Apocynaceae) Collected as: «Caralluma, Blüten einzeln, Petalen orangegrün {Caralluma, flowers simple, petals orange green} [ad ... » Gathering date: 1964-03-19 |
Entry 7030 | Dateset complete (all available information stored in database) | |
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Rauh 13300
Type! |
Caralluma lavranii (Apocynaceae) Collected as: «Caralluma nov. spec.» Gathering date: 1964-03-19 |
Entry 7033 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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