1 |
Rauh & Buchloh 8001
≡ Buchloh 8011 |
Gen. indet. sp. indet. (Cucurbitaceae) Collected as: «Cucurbitaceae [Field book Buchloh:] Cucurbitaceae?» Gathering date: 1961-11-24 |
Entry 34968 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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Rauh 56565
Gen. indet. sp. indet. (Cucurbitaceae) Collected as: «Cucurbitac. [= Cucurbitaceae]» Gathering date: 1981-10-09 |
Entry 27007 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
3 |
Rauh 57696
Gen. indet. sp. indet. (Cucurbitaceae) Collected as: «Cucurbitac. [= Cucurbitaceae]» Gathering date: 1982-02-04 |
Entry 27365 | Dataset rudimentary; at least legname, legnumber, legdate, fieldbook page and taxon | |
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